The entire world is dealing with something worrisome and unknown. Please know that we are here for you and your family. We are praying for all who have been affected by the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19).
Our top priority is your family's health and well-being, as well as that of our community. We understand the concern and uncertainty you may be experiencing surrounding the coronavirus (COVID-19) and are committed to being responsive to the needs of our families and neighbors.
During this time, we may find that our ministry cannot meet in a physical space. This situation may cause our ministries to cancel services, possibly on Sundays and/or Wednesdays. In this circumstance we hope that you will take advantage of the online options we will provide for your families to stay consistent, even if COVID-19 is preventing services from meeting in the church.
What do I say to my child/children?
In times of crisis, there are some things you can say and do that will help your children feel safe:
“I’m here, you’re not alone.” (Listen to their feelings and validate them.)
“Why don’t we draw/color together.” (Observe how they express themselves symbolically.)
“I love watching you play.” (Pay attention to what they mirror, watch how they play and notice changes or regression in their behavior.)
“I am always looking out for you.”
“I’ll help you when you need it.”
"I’ll play with you. I love having time with you.” (Move to their play area or space.
Play is their first language.)
“You are a beautiful, wonderful, child of God.”
“You can know that God is always with you.”
“Even when you feel sad, God loves you.”
“Some things are changing, and that can be tough. But there are some things that will never change. I love you. God loves you. And we can trust God no matter what.”
“This is what I’m feeling right now, how are you doing?”
“Can you put words to what you are thinking or feeling? Even if it doesn’t all make sense, talking about it can help.”
“Do you have any questions for me?”
“This doesn’t make sense to me either. I can understand how this is confusing for you.”
“I am here whenever you need me.”
“Sometimes, scary things happen in our world, but I want you to know that God is always with you. And you can talk to Him anytime.”