Ms. Joan is the K/1 SGL on 1st and 2nd Sundays. Ms. Joan has been attending FUMC for 38 years. She came because a friend invited her and she liked it here immediately.
She has been serving in Children’s Ministry for 36 years. Ms. Joan believes that belonging to a church means serving in the church. God made us in His image and that means we should love and serve others, especially the future of the church: our children.
In addition to Children’s Ministry, Ms. Joan helps Stacey print the bulletins. Over the many years here at FUMC, Ms. Joan has worn many hats; including, hospitality, membership, prayer, VBS, front desk, Hungry Hearts, as well as the summer program we used to do.
When she’s not busy influencing the faith of the next generation, she is enjoying her retirement, going to lunch with friends, spending time with her husband and family and attending Bible studies.
The most rewarding part of being a Small Group Leader for Ms. Joan is seeing the excitement in the kids as they learn about God and the love they have for Him. She listens to them and is amazed about how much they know and how willing they are to learn and grow in their faith.
Ms. Joan was Makayla’s first leader at FUMC, before I became Children’s Minister. Even before we knew ‘Orange’, Ms. Joan was following the strategy. Every time she saw my daughter, she called her by name. She knew her birthday and sent cards. What really touched our entire family was when Ron passed away, Ms. Joan reached out to Makayla and comforted her with thoughtful gifts that made a dark situation, a small bit brighter. She has been and continues to be a strong small group leader in First Lights and I thank God every day that she is healthy and serving on our team again!
Her favorite Bible verse is –
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13