Category Archives: First Lights Live
First Lights Live July 22, 2020
Posted on by KidMin
Follow-up and Reflection for Kids!
First Lights Live July 15, 2020
Posted on by KidMin
Follow-up Reflection for Kids
First Lights Live July 1, 2020
Posted on by KidMin
For Reflection/Follow-up
Read through Romans 6:8-14; cross out the following words: died, death, dead, die, sin, evil, master, rule.
Go back and read it again, and this time, circle the following words: live, raised, power, alive, life, right, grace, free.
What an amazing gift God’s grace is to us! Death is no longer, and instead, we can experience eternal life, God’s power and freedom!
Thank God for the gift of grace that is for all of us!
First Lights Live June 24, 2020
Posted on by KidMin
Knowing Jesus changes the way you see others.
Join us on Facebook at 6pm for more!
For Follow-up/Reflection
Knowing Jesus changes the way you see others, and the way you see yourself too. Instead of seeing yourself as the most important, you realize you should put others first.
All day today, put your focus on others. Instead of taking the bathroom first, let your sister have the mirror. When you want the last bowl of cereal, let your brother have first dibs instead. Instead of waiting for your mom to remind you to pick up your dirty clothes, put them in the hamper on your own.
Ask God to help you see others as worthy of honor.
First Lights Live June 17, 2020
Posted on by KidMin
Family Game Night!
Meet us on Zoom to play!
First Lights Live Wednesday June 3, 2020
Posted on by KidMin
First Lights Live May 27, 2020
Posted on by KidMin
Kid Reflection/Follow Up Activity
What You Need: A notebook or paper/ pen or pencil
What You Do:
Draw a large question mark in the middle of your page.
Write or draw questions you might have about God or following Jesus.
If you feel like their questions are too “big” or personal, just draw simple question marks to represent those.
Write as many questions as you want to.
Remember: Keep going even when you have questions.
When you are finished, pray:
“Dear God, thank You for hearing our prayers and our questions, too. We know that there is no question or problem too big for You, God! Please help us to keep asking, keep praying, and keep going so we can follow You our whole lives. Amen.”
Everyone has questions about something big at some point in their lives. The important thing is to keep going even when you have questions. Remember to always pray and ask God for help when you need it!
May 20, 2020
Posted on by KidMin
Follow-up Discussion/Activity for Kids
Read 2 Chronicles 20:17
When you receive a new book, do you flip to the last page and read the ending first? Reading the ending would ruin the story! When it comes to following Jesus, knowing the end is a good thing.
Because God has already had a plan to make everything right. In the end, God wins!
That was true for God’s people in 2 Chronicles. God told them not to worry, that the battle had already been won. The next morning, God’s army took their battle positions but instead of charging toward the enemy, they begin to praise God. The opposing army became confused and turned on one another. God won the battle just as He said He would.
Sometimes we forget that we already know the end of the story. We don’t have to be afraid or lose hope. God is with us and there isn’t anything too big for Him. We can keep going, keep moving forward with determination because God knows the end of the story.
Ask God to help you remember that with Him on your side, you win! So you can keep going knowing He is with you.
First Lights Live May 13, 2020
Posted on by KidMin
Follow-up for Kids!
What You Need: Sticky notes, markers, pencils
What You Do:
- Grab 5 sticky notes. Write on each note an example of when it is tough to finish what you start.
- Think about:
- What if you have been given a huge job? What makes it hard to finish it?
- What makes it hard to finish a season playing on a team that is losing every game?
- What makes it hard to stay motivated to finish homework when you know summer break will soon be here?
- Think about examples in your life when you have found it tough to finish what you started.
- Pray:
“God, Just like You helped Peter and John’s to keep going even when things got tough, You want to help us too. God, there are times it is tough to finish what we start. There are times we get tired, or frustrated or we are confused what to do next. You are always with us! Help us to decide it is worth it to finish what we start and give us the strength to keep going. Amen!”