What We are Teaching December 6, 2020


We can have hope because God keeps His promises.

Isaiah 9:6
Jesus Is Promised

"Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you. He is the Messiah, the Lord."
Luke 2:11, NIrV


Christmas is celebrating Jesus, God's greatest gift.


Option 1

What You Do:
· Welcome kids to the group by name.
· If a kid brought an offering, invite them to put their offering in the offering container.
· Compete in a singing challenge based on “Jingle Bells.”
· Instruct the kids to sing the chorus of “Jingle Bells” or play it on a phone or another device that plays music.
· Then, challenge the kids to see how long they can sing a nursery rhyme song to the tune of “Jingle Bells.”
· Here are some nursery rhyme song ideas:
o “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”
o “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”
o “Wheels on the Bus”
o “Frere Jacques”
· The winner is the kid who can sing the most lyrics of their song without going back to singing “Jingle Bells,” pausing for a long time, or laughing!

Hope Undercover
[Live for God | Application Activity]
Made to Play: an activity that encourages learning through following guidelines and/or working as a group

What You Need: Paper plates, marker, small items, spoons, and buckets

What You Do:
· Set the covered plates at one end of your small group area and the two buckets at the other end.
· Give each kid a spoon.
· Create two teams and line each team up behind a bucket.
o One at a time, each kid will run to their set of plates and scoop off some of the items on the plate.
o They will run their full spoon back to the other end of the room and dump the items in the bucket.
o If anything falls off their spoon while they’re running, they have to go back and place those things back on the plate—without losing more off their spoon!
o Once a kid has put an object in the bucket, the next kid can remove items from the plates.
o The team who empties their plates of items to reveal “HOPE” first, wins.
o Optional: If you’re using more plates with random letters for older kids, teams must play until they have a set of cleared-off “HOPE” plates.
· Make sure all of the small items are gathered up and put inside the buckets.
· Save the plates to use again during prayer time.
· If you used Christmas candy as your plate-covers, let kids have a piece while you talk together.

What You Say:
“Aha! At the end of our game, hope was revealed! This reminds me of how, as time passed, God’s people got more and more details about God’s big promise to send a Savior to rescue everyone. His promise got clearer and clearer.

“Way back in the beginning of God’s Story, when the first people broke their relationship with God, God promised to fix it. Then, later in God’s Story, God promised Abraham that the world would be blessed by his family. Later in God’s Story, God promised King David that one of his descendants would be King forever. Then in God’s Story, God promised, through the prophet Isaiah, that the Savior would pay for our sins. As time went on, God’s promise of a Savior got clearer and clearer. Then, God kept His big promise. He sent Jesus. We could see our hope! That’s what we celebrate at Christmas! All through the Bible, we see that God always keeps His promises. [Bottom Line] We can have hope because God keeps His promises.

“What promises of God do you have hope in?” (Invite kids to share. If the kids are having trouble remembering the promises God has made to them, remind them that God has promised to love us, to be with us, to forgive us, to give us strength and courage, to take care of us, etc.)

Optional Discussion Questions for Older Kids
If you lead 4th, 5th, or 6th graders, consider asking these discussion questions:
· God’s people waited a long time for a Savior to rescue them. What do you think kept God’s people watching for a Savior all those years? How would you have felt?
· What’s one of God’s promises that you have a hard time feeling is true?
· What are some ways you can help yourself remember that God will keep every single promise He has made to you?
· What would you say to a friend who struggles to have hope? How could you show them that [Bottom Line] we can have hope because God keeps His promises?


What We are Teaching November 29, 2020


Get in the habit of being grateful.

1 Corinthians 11:23-26, Exodus 12
Lord's Supper / Last Supper

“Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good. His faithful love continues forever.”
Psalm 136:1, NIrV

Gratitude is letting others know you see how they've helped you.


Option 1: What You Do:
· Greet the kids by name as they arrive. Let them know you’re grateful they’re there!
· If a kid brought an offering, show them the offering container. Thank them for their gift!
· As the kids arrive, steer the conversation toward their Thanksgiving celebrations (if you’re in the United States). Ask questions like:
o “How did you celebrate Thanksgiving?”
o “What did Thanksgiving remind you to be thankful for?”

2. Gratitude Garland
[Live for God | Application Activity]
Made to Create: an activity that explores ideas through the process of drawing, building, designing, and problem-solving

What You Need: “Garland Template” Activity Page, construction paper or cardstock, hole punches, yarn or twine, pencils, markers or colored pencils, and scissors

What You Do:
· Give each kid two template leaves, scissors, pencils, and markers or colored pencils.
· Encourage the kids to trace the templates on several different colors of paper and cut out the leaves. Show them how to trace a small circle inside the hole punch so they’ll know where to punch holes in their leaves.
· Then, have the kids punch holes in each leaf.
· Direct the kids to write something they are grateful for on each leaf they made.
· Ask older kids to help younger ones thread the twine or yarn through the holes in the leaves to make a garland.
· Tie knots between the leaves so that they won’t fall off the twine.
· Set the garland aside for kids to pick up when it’s time to go.

What You Say:
“You all thought of so many things that you’re grateful for! I can see that you know how to [Bottom Line] get in the habit of being grateful.

“Many of you shared what you were grateful for during Thanksgiving Dinner this week, and you got to hear what your friends or family members shared as well. What did someone else share that they were grateful for? (Invite answers.)

“We can learn from people around us how to [Bottom Line] get in the habit of being grateful. Our parents, grandparents, and other adult friends have learned how to be grateful over their whole lives and probably have a lot of advice to give us on how to keep up the habit.

[Make It Personal] (Share something that an older adult taught you about the habit of gratitude. Maybe they went through a tough time and are grateful for the lessons they learned; or they are grateful for a relationship that has grown over time; or they have possessions or other blessings that they are grateful for if they didn’t have them when they were younger.)

“These leaves look like Thanksgiving, but the garland looks like Christmas! Consider this the perfect decoration for your room, hallway, or some other place in your home between these holidays. Put it somewhere that you can see it often and remember to [Bottom Line] get in the habit of being grateful.”



What We Are Teaching Sunday November 22, 2020



Adjust your attitude.

Matthew 20:1-15 -
The Story of the workers in the Vineyard

“Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good. His faithful love continues forever.”
Psalm 136:1, NIrV

Gratitude is letting others know you see how they've helped you.


Ms. Bobbi is bringing a Thanksgiving craft to do after singing and video.


What We are Teaching Sunday November 15, 2020


Say thank you.

Luke 17:11-19 -
Jesus Heals 10 Men

“Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good. His faithful love continues forever.”
Psalm 136:1, NIrV

Gratitude is letting others know you see how they've helped you.


[Live for God | Application Activity]
Made to Connect: an activity that invites kids to share and collaborate with others while growing their understanding

What You Need: Paper, markers, and phone, camera, or video recorder, (Optional) supplies to make a small “thank you” gift

What You Do:
• Encourage kids to think of a family member or friend who has helped them and they would like to thank.
• Pass out the paper and markers.
• Instruct kids to write “THANK YOU” on their paper.
• Then, make a short video of each kid saying the name of their family member or friend while they hold up their sign and explain why they are grateful.
• Older kids can prepare their message before you film it.
· Optional: If you do not have the ability to video the kids, plan to put together a small “thank you” gift for someone in your church or community, instead.
o Encourage kids to make cards, thanking this person specifically for what they have done.
o Kids can also add small gifts or pictures.

What You Say:
“This was a great way to [Bottom Line] say thank you! It’s pretty easy to thank someone, but why don’t we do it every time someone helps us? (We get busy; we feel shy. Let kids offer other reasons.)

“There are a lot of reasons why we don’t always [Bottom Line] say thank you, but it’s important to do.

“How do you feel when someone else thanks you? (good, seen, appreciated, valued) You feel that person saw how you helped. You feel like they are happy with what you gave them or did for them. You feel good that they appreciated your effort. It feels great to be thanked!

“Think of how great it feels when someone sees how you’ve helped them and remember to [Bottom Line] say thank you whenever you can!”

What We are Teaching November 8, 2020


Celebrate what God has done.
2 Samuel 6:12b-22a - David Dances
“Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good. His faithful love continues forever.”
Psalm 136:1, NIrV

Gratitude is letting others know you see how they've helped you.


Opening Activity
Made to Move: an activity that increases the oxygen in the brain and taps into the energy in the body

What You Need: Music player or phone and music

What You Do:
· Play upbeat music.
· Ask kids to move or dance very slowly to the fast music.
· After a couple of minutes, switch to slower music.
· Ask the kids to move or dance very quickly to the slow music.
· If time allows, play Freeze Dance. Explain the rules:
o The kids dance as you play music, moving quickly to the slow music and slowly to the fast music.
o When you pause the music abruptly, anyone who doesn’t freeze in place must sit out until the next round.

What You Say:
“I’m a big fan of dancing! Did you feel strange, dancing a different pace than the music? Have you ever done that before? Did you worry about looking a little silly, flossing (or other cool dance moves) to a slow song? [Transition] We’re going to hear about someone who didn’t care how silly he looked to people when he danced because he wasn’t dancing for the people.”

We will watch video/recap story.


Dancin’ Davids
[Talk about God | Bible Story Review]
Made to Create: an activity that explores ideas through the process of drawing, building, designing, and problem-solving

What You Need: “Dancin’ Davids” Activity Page, pipe cleaners, paper towels, scissors, (optional) wooden or plastic beads

What You Do:
· Give each kid a pipe cleaner. They will make their pipe cleaners into the shape of a person. Follow along with the directions on the Activity Page.
o First, make the head by twisting a loop in the center. Shape the loop so it’s round like a head. There will be two long ends underneath the head.
o Next, make the arms. Just under the head, fold each end towards the center about half an inch, and twist the part that is folded over. There should be two ends under the arms, sticking out like an X.
o Next, make the body. Twist the ends together for 3-4 twists, about an inch long. There should be two short ends below the body.
o Finally, make the legs. Fold each end in over itself, and twist together.
o Kids can bend the end of the legs 90 degrees to make feet. With some twisting/ maneuvering, the little person will stand.
· Give each kid a piece of paper towel that’s long enough to cover their David.
· Direct the kids to fold the piece of paper towel in half lengthwise and rip a very small hole in the center fold.
· Instruct the kids to slip the head of their David through the hole so that he’s “wearing” the paper towel robe.
· If you have older or “crafty” kids, they can slide beads onto the body stem of their David before they twist the legs. They can also use beads to adorn the head before they twist the body.

What You Say:
“These are simple little Davids made of pipe cleaners—David doesn’t look much like a king. He doesn’t have a crown, and he’s wearing simple clothes. It reminds me of how David must have looked when he danced in our Bible story. How did his wife feel about him when he didn’t look much like a king? (Invite answers. She didn’t like that David wasn’t dignified and serious like a king.)

“David was thinking more about how to [Bottom Line] celebrate what God has done than how he looked. He set aside everything else—all the worries about being king and all the worries about what people thought of him, so that he could concentrate on celebrating what God had done.

“I don’t know if you’ve ever danced to [Bottom Line] celebrate what God has done, but there are a lot of ways we can celebrate. What is a way you can think of to celebrate? (Invite answers. Sing worship songs in church or at home; pray to thank God for what He has done; tell other people about the good things God has done in our lives.)

“Let’s keep thinking about all the ways we could [Bottom Line] celebrate what God has done.”


Song and Dance
[Hear from God | Memory Verse Activity]
Made to Create: an activity that explores ideas through the process of drawing, building, designing, and problem-solving

What You Need: Bibles, music player or phone, upbeat music

What You Do:
· Read Psalm 136:1 out loud from the Bible.
· If you have mostly older kids, separate them into groups.
o Ask each group to create something to help remember this verse: a song, a poem, motions, or a dance.
o After 5-7 minutes, gather the groups together.
o Ask for volunteers who want to perform their verse for the group.
· If you have mostly younger kids, say the verse out loud together while dancing to the upbeat worship music. Continue as long as their attention holds.

What You Say:
“This verse reminds us that no matter what happens, we can [Bottom Line] celebrate what God has done. Because God has sent us Jesus, we are never alone, and that means that we always have a reason to be grateful to God.

“God has done many things for His people, like we talked about before. (If time allows, let kids share about the Bible stories they know where God took care of His people.) But the most important thing God did was send Jesus so that we could have a relationship with Him that lasts forever. We can always be grateful for that and [Bottom Line] celebrate what God has done!”

(If time allows, more dancing at this point would be fun! Try to connect dancing and celebration with worship through your song choices. Choose a worship song to dance and sing to. And join in! Dance around and be silly with the kids, especially if you have older ones. Embarrassing yourself a little bit is the quickest way to get them to join in.)