What We are Teaching November 29, 2020


Get in the habit of being grateful.

1 Corinthians 11:23-26, Exodus 12
Lord's Supper / Last Supper

“Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good. His faithful love continues forever.”
Psalm 136:1, NIrV

Gratitude is letting others know you see how they've helped you.


Option 1: What You Do:
· Greet the kids by name as they arrive. Let them know you’re grateful they’re there!
· If a kid brought an offering, show them the offering container. Thank them for their gift!
· As the kids arrive, steer the conversation toward their Thanksgiving celebrations (if you’re in the United States). Ask questions like:
o “How did you celebrate Thanksgiving?”
o “What did Thanksgiving remind you to be thankful for?”

2. Gratitude Garland
[Live for God | Application Activity]
Made to Create: an activity that explores ideas through the process of drawing, building, designing, and problem-solving

What You Need: “Garland Template” Activity Page, construction paper or cardstock, hole punches, yarn or twine, pencils, markers or colored pencils, and scissors

What You Do:
· Give each kid two template leaves, scissors, pencils, and markers or colored pencils.
· Encourage the kids to trace the templates on several different colors of paper and cut out the leaves. Show them how to trace a small circle inside the hole punch so they’ll know where to punch holes in their leaves.
· Then, have the kids punch holes in each leaf.
· Direct the kids to write something they are grateful for on each leaf they made.
· Ask older kids to help younger ones thread the twine or yarn through the holes in the leaves to make a garland.
· Tie knots between the leaves so that they won’t fall off the twine.
· Set the garland aside for kids to pick up when it’s time to go.

What You Say:
“You all thought of so many things that you’re grateful for! I can see that you know how to [Bottom Line] get in the habit of being grateful.

“Many of you shared what you were grateful for during Thanksgiving Dinner this week, and you got to hear what your friends or family members shared as well. What did someone else share that they were grateful for? (Invite answers.)

“We can learn from people around us how to [Bottom Line] get in the habit of being grateful. Our parents, grandparents, and other adult friends have learned how to be grateful over their whole lives and probably have a lot of advice to give us on how to keep up the habit.

[Make It Personal] (Share something that an older adult taught you about the habit of gratitude. Maybe they went through a tough time and are grateful for the lessons they learned; or they are grateful for a relationship that has grown over time; or they have possessions or other blessings that they are grateful for if they didn’t have them when they were younger.)

“These leaves look like Thanksgiving, but the garland looks like Christmas! Consider this the perfect decoration for your room, hallway, or some other place in your home between these holidays. Put it somewhere that you can see it often and remember to [Bottom Line] get in the habit of being grateful.”



Posted in SGL Toolkit.

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