How To Get Your Kids To Do What You Want
When I saw the title of the article I was so excited! Finally the answer I had been waiting for! Finally my kids were going to listen to me! I clicked on it and well…here’s a snippet of the post:
If we want our kids to pick up after themselves, they need to see us doing that.
If we want our kids to be responsible on social media, they need to see us posting responsibly.
If we want our kids to have a day of rest, then they need to see us resting.
If we want our kids to read more, then we need to read more and let them catch us doing it.
If we want our kids to eat healthier, exercise more, speak politely, have healthy boundaries with technology, not get angry, or have a practical faith—then we need to model these things.
Because your children will follow your example, not just your opinion.
I wasn’t as excited to see that I had some work to do! But it was a great article and gave me a lot of food for thought. Read the whole thing here