Week of September 10, 2018

NEHEMIAH 2:11-18
Nehemiah Plans to
Rebuild the Wall

Bottom Line –
Don’t wait for someone
else to do what needs
to be done.

Q & A for kids: What is something you never
seem to see that needs to be done? (e.g., dirty
clothes on the floor) (Hint: Your parent probably
knows the answer to this if you don’t.)
Q & A for parents: Are you more distracted
by people, technology or other tasks when it
comes to finishing a job?

Memory Verse –
“Work at everything you do with all your heart.
Work as if you were working for the Lord.”
Colossians 3:23a, NIrV

Life App-
INITIATIVE—Seeing what needs
to be done and doing it

Week of September 3, 2018

Mornings can be rough. With kids, getting the school projects, show and tell, lunches, and child itself out the door is a task of epic proportions. Maybe part of what makes mornings hard is we try to get through them more than we try to use them. If we had a goal—like instilling purpose, and a mode of accomplishing it, like encouraging words, we could change the look and feel of our day. Making the Most of your Family’s Rhythm.

Week of August 27, 2018

Here’s your parent cue for this week!

Trust in the Lord

If you want to be wise,
trust God to give you wisdom.


Pick a time that you will be in the car for awhile and start the following conversation, “Do you remember when I told you that you have to search for wisdom and to be on the lookout for it? Well, have you seen someone this week make a wise choice or where have you found wisdom—from a friend, the Bible, or church?”

“If any of you needs wisdom, you should ask God for it.
He will give it to you.”
James 1:5a, NIrV

WISDOM – Finding out what you should do and doing it

Week of August 20, 2018

This week we learned that if you want to be wise, you have to hang out with wise people.

At bedtime, read Proverbs 13:20. Ask God to provide you with friends who love Him and will help point you toward wise choices. https://bit.ly/2HCu43t

Hey parents! Parent Cue is a podcast designed to help parents do family better. Listen to the latest episode: <a href=”http://theparentcue.org/parentcuelive/”>http://theparentcue.org/parentcuelive/</a>

Week of August 13, 2018

Read Luke 2:41-52. It’s easy to think that wisdom is just something you get when you’re older. But kids can grow in wisdom, too! Parents, share about a choice you’ve had to make recently, and how you did (or didn’t) choose wisely. Kids, what is a decision that you’ll need to make soon, like what activity to do or how to treat a sibling?
Together, ask God to help you make wise choices every day.