What We are Teaching Sunday November 1, 2020

In-Person, at-church Sunday School!


Large Group (all kids PS-5th grade) will gather in the preschool classroom on the first floor across from the sanctuary.

Kids will need to be signed in by a volunteer (me) at a check in table in the lobby (I think this will avoid gridlock in the hallway).

I plan to take temperatures and hand sanitize before kids are allowed in classroom.

As I think I would probably be best to sign in, welcome, answer questions, I will need leaders in the preschool classroom with kids.

We will have TV and videos to share while we wait to begin. Other ideas for waiting - Eye Spy, Charades, Simon says.

After we watch our opening video, we will dismiss to small groups (upstairs).

If weather permits, we will go outside.

At 10:45, Small groups will be dismissed individually to the lobby on 1st floor to return children to parents.



Orange has an option for small churches who combine K-5th graders for large and small group. I will be using this curriculum for November and December because I am not sure we won't have to split small groups up based on family units rather than grade levels.

I will make every effort to put SGLs with their 'regular' small group students.

I have November Curriculum packs for teachers that I was going to hand out on Sunday. If you have the Lead Small App the curriculum can be found under Kids Connect.

You always have something to be grateful for.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 -
Give thanks no matter what happens

“Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good. His faithful love continues forever.”
Psalm 136:1, NIrV

Gratitude is letting others know you see how they've helped you.

Posted in SGL Toolkit.

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