Please keep in mind that this retreat is the start of a conversation on sexual integrity that the church and parents will continue at each phase through high school.
For 4th and 5th graders the conversation begins with knowing that God made them; they are special; and to honor God, they should treat their body with respect.
We will not be delving into biology or topics typically discussed in health classes.
Tentative Schedule
We will all gather together and share a meal before splitting into the two groups - Mothers and Daughters / Fathers and Sons.
Mothers and daughters will embark on a journey of discovery in one space while fathers and sons embark on a different journey of discovery in a separate space.
Parents and students will return to church for breakfast and a short presentation.
Parents and children will separate into groups.
Boys and girls will have a session on being made in the image of God.
Parents will have a session on what the church and parents can do to lead kids to sexual integrity.
Parents and kids will do a fun family activity together.
Conclusion of retreat.