What We Need
- Clean, working musical instruments to use with children ages 1-4 in the Little Lights classroom.
- Fisher Price Little People (LITTLE PEOPLE ONLY - NO SETS PLEASE)
- The Little People are so useful for telling Bible stories and modeling behavior to children. We need the Little People for teaching purposes, not playing purposes, so that is why we are not requesting 'toy sets'. If you have any questions, please ask Brianna Renshaw or Terri Stevens.
- Batteries
- Double A
- Triple A
What We Hope For
We are hoping that God continues to bless our ministry with children. We are growing because of His grace and goodness. Our regular Sunday Sign-in sheet for Little Lights on Sunday morning has 12 names on it! 4 of those are from the Haitian congregation. Inclusion, diversity, growth! Praise!
We praise and thank the Lord for His faithfulness and ask that He provide support in the form of:
- FUMC Congregational support - prayers, positive thoughts, encouragement
- Volunteers
- Financial support
- Haitian Congregational relationship growth