Permission Form
Every new ministry/school year, we are required to obtain permission forms for the kids participating in ministry.
Please read our Well Child Policy for the safety and health of children and volunteers
Our Children's Ministry is divided between two floors. The babies, toddlers and preschoolers' rooms are located on the 1st floor across from the Sanctuary.
Our K-5th grade (elementary) rooms are located on the 2nd Floor. After you enter the church, proceed through the lobby. Stop at the water fountain and go left. There are signs to direct you.
If you prefer to receive texts rather than read emails, you can sign up through Remind.

Downloading and using this app is a great tool of encouragement and assistance to engaging your child in conversations about faith and much more!
YouVersion Bible App for the whole family!
We incorporate these digital resources into our curriculum on Wednesdays. This app is geared to your child's phase. There is a Bible App for little ones and a Bible App for pre-teens.