"I have hidden your word in my heart."
Psalm 119:11 NIV

When you go in your child’s room this month say, “Good morning, [child’s name]! It’s morning time. God loves us in the morning time, nighttime, ALL the time!”

As you drive, insert the places you pass along the way into this question, “Is God’s Word with you at the [grocery store]?” Encourage your child to say, “Yes, God’s Word is with me wherever I go!”

Cuddle up with your child this month and pray, “Dear God, Your Word says in Psalm 5:3 that ‘In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice’ (NIV). We want to thank You for listening to us when we talk
to You. I pray [child’s name] will grow up talking to you, believing that you hear everything [he/she] says. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

For bath time, cut a new kitchen sponge into the shape of a heart. When you place the sponge in the water say, “Water goes in.” When you squeeze the sponge say, “Water comes out.” As your child plays with the sponge say, “When we say God’s words over and over, the words go in our heart.”