We are powering up tonight!
Join us on Facebook Live at 6pm
Praise and Worship!
Take time to listen to your favorite VBS song or contemporary worship song! I encourage you to dance and move like only God is watching!
Small Groups!
Option #1
Have you ever scored 100% on a test? Ever pitched a perfect game? Ever hit a hole in one at mini-golf? Perfect is possible in some circumstances. But perfect isn’t a guarantee. Or is it?
What if you could have perfect peace, 100% of the time? Even if you face the worst day, the kind that Alexander would label as a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day kind of day?
When you trust in Jesus and what He did for you on the cross, God gives you His Holy Spirit to guide and help you. You can experience perfect peace when you trust in the One who made you and loves you more than you could ever imagine.
Grab an index card and write “100% Perfect Peace Guarantee: Romans 15:13” on the front. Ask an adult to help you tape this card to the top of your doorframe. As you leave your room each day, jump up and tap the card to remind you that you can have peace 100% of the time because God is in control.
KNOW that God promises perfect peace when you put your trust in Him.

Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
Option #2
Pass the Peace!
Find someone in your home or neighborhood that you can “pass the peace” to. All you have to do to pass the peace is to find someone to pray for! Go now and ask someone to sit down and pray for peace with you. You can pray something like this:
“Dear God, I know that You care so much about me and that You will always take care
of me. I pray for ______________ (name of person you are praying for). I pray that
they can also have peace in their heart when things get hard. God, allow us to always
remember that You are in control no matter what happens. We love You, God, amen”
THANK God for people in your life that can help you remember to have peace.